
Good Reads: The Wave by Susan Casey

When I unwrapped this on Christmas day I admit I felt a little guilty because it was instantly one of my favorite presents... I won't say the gift certificate for a massage paled in comparison, but next to the lipglosses and random pieces of costume jewelry, this was something I hadn't asked for but had actually WANTED.

I saw Susan Casey on Conan O'Brien (I think) and the interview left an impression, which typically doesn't happen to me when haphazardly watching late-night TV - in promoting her book, she told a story about a wave twice the size of the Empire State Building that had leveled the trees on large mountain overlook in Alaska, raising the tree line by something like two-thousand feet. It totally blew my mind.

When you do a little more research and realize that the Tsunami that blew the socks off Sumatra in 2004 was "only" 100-feet high - and that big wave surfers like Laird Hamilton, who the book documents in part, ride these waves as sport - Casey's book becomes infinitely more intriguing.

I'm only about 1/3 into the book, but so far I'm definitely enjoying it. I love Non-Fiction because even if my boyfriend or friends aren't reading the same book as I am, it's something we can discuss.

Hope you guys had an awesome holiday weekend!!


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