
Egypt is on the brink of revolution

...and there are some really beautiful photos documenting the day's events...

The imagery of protestors kneeling to pray in defense of/response to a water cannon aimed at them by police in Cairo...

and the photo of a protester passively kissing a bewildered officer on the cheek...

I don't even know what to say. These photos bring tears to my eyes.


I found it.

It's my birthday in three weeks! Take note, peeps!

The cake of my dreams...

Link: 5 Greatest Things Accomplished While High

When I was in college in Boulder, I had a friend who was a year older than me and already wrapping up his PhD in Physics. He was also the biggest drug addict I knew at the time, which was super unfortunate. Beyond being a genius, he was also really sweet and had an insane sense of humor - which as we all know is most often not the case - and to be honest, if he wasn't always on oxycodone or fentanyl or some crazy drug they give patients in severe, severe pain, he might have been my boyfriend.

Once after a long night of partying, I had gotten out of bed (er the couch I was sleeping on) to get some water, and heard Seth in the hallway... In the house we were staying in, there was a set of stairs leading to the second floor, and immediately beneath it, a set of stairs leading to the basement. Seth, hearing me in the kitchen, stumbles in with a bottle of vodka in one hand to say goodnight and that he was going upstairs to bed. I say goodnight, he walks away, and within seconds there is a loud tumble and a muffled groan...

Thinking he had somehow fallen down the stairs from the second floor after walking up, I ran over to make sure he was alright, but didn't see anything or anyone. Hearing another moan, I look down the stairwell to my right leading to the basement, and see Seth, who would at 22 be getting a PhD in Physics from a reputable university, and who had been accepted into the post-doc program at Berkeley, lying covered in blood and vodka at the bottom of the stairwell.

Later on, he told me he had looked at the stairs leading down the basement and been so out of it he literally thought they were leading up to the second floor.

On that note, I present to you this hilarious article I read over on


Good Reads: The Wave by Susan Casey

When I unwrapped this on Christmas day I admit I felt a little guilty because it was instantly one of my favorite presents... I won't say the gift certificate for a massage paled in comparison, but next to the lipglosses and random pieces of costume jewelry, this was something I hadn't asked for but had actually WANTED.

I saw Susan Casey on Conan O'Brien (I think) and the interview left an impression, which typically doesn't happen to me when haphazardly watching late-night TV - in promoting her book, she told a story about a wave twice the size of the Empire State Building that had leveled the trees on large mountain overlook in Alaska, raising the tree line by something like two-thousand feet. It totally blew my mind.

When you do a little more research and realize that the Tsunami that blew the socks off Sumatra in 2004 was "only" 100-feet high - and that big wave surfers like Laird Hamilton, who the book documents in part, ride these waves as sport - Casey's book becomes infinitely more intriguing.

I'm only about 1/3 into the book, but so far I'm definitely enjoying it. I love Non-Fiction because even if my boyfriend or friends aren't reading the same book as I am, it's something we can discuss.

Hope you guys had an awesome holiday weekend!!



they all will have exquisite taste, but everyone will look the same

Sorry guys - this isn't turning into a music blog, its just all I've had time to post!

I grew up listening to a lot of punk rock and going to a lot of shows. One of my favorite bands of all time is Agent Orange. Let's call it surf metal. Sadly, I'm only uploading one of their songs because it's hard to find footage of them live.

And of course, there's Bad Brains.



...moving along.

i went through a ton of boxes from 1999 that were stored in my parents garage. i found. some pretty embarrassing items of interest... but something awesome happened. i started reading some pretty embarrassing journal entries and it sort of jogged my memory back to what i was listening to and reading when we put all this stuff in storage for the move from the south bay to hollywood...

what i learned today:
1. i was a really, really good writer
2. i was out of my fucking mind in a bad way
3. don't do drugs, kids

such a bummer he's such a bummer.

...i didn't think he was gonna be able to get it together for a second there.

i learned to take it well

the old lady inside of me loves these songs

how rad is her onesie