
Try This! Sprout & Spoon's Favorite Workouts

Let's get real: one of the reasons I love cooking and making things and bettering my body and mind is because they are all things I have control over. I never used to be this boring - and yeah I do think it's all a little boring. But I think for a lot of people, focusing ones attention on things we can manipulate makes it a little easier to breathe and know that even if a million things go wrong in any single day, at least we can run a mile or make a delicious pie.

I go to the gym between three and four times a week. The usual suspects are the elliptical, the treadmill, weights, PowerYoga (an amazing class at Equinox here in New York taught by Stephanie Cullen, an amazing teacher), and Pilates.

I try really hard not to be too strict or hard on myself about working out because in order to keep up the motivation, I have to remember I don't HAVE to be there for two hours or even go at all. Sometimes I'll just do 30 minutes on the elliptical and I'm out of there, but most of the time I like to be doing an hour of solid work.

Here is a an awesome treadmill routine I do when I really don't feel like working out. Like the turkey recipe I posted, it is based around a routine I found in a magazine (Self). But I made it a little harder!

It starts off super slow and takes 65 minutes, but when you are done you have burned around 400-500 calories and your tooshie and legs feel rockin.

0 3.0 5
0 3.2 5
0 3.5 5
0 4.0 5
0 4.5/5.0 5 (or a comfortable RPE for fast walk / slow jog to you)
5 3.2 5
5 3.5 5
5 4.0 5
5 4.5/5.0 5 (or a comfortable RPE for fast walk / slow jog to you)
10 3.2 5
10 3.5 5
10 4.0 5
15 3.2 5
15 3.5 5

If you try it out let me know what you think in the comments xx

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